EDAspy.benchmarks package


EDAspy.benchmarks.binary module

EDAspy.benchmarks.binary.one_max(array: list | array) float | int[source]

One max benchmark. :param array: solution to be evaluated in the cost function :return: evaluation of the solution

EDAspy.benchmarks.continuous module

class EDAspy.benchmarks.continuous.ContinuousBenchmarkingCEC14(dim: int)[source]

Bases: object

bent_cigar_function(x: array | list) float[source]

Bent Cigar function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

discuss_function(x: array | list) float[source]

Discuss function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

rosenbrock_function(x: array | list) float[source]

Rosenbrock’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

ackley_function(x: array | list) float[source]

Ackley’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

weierstrass_function(x: array | list) float[source]

Weierstrass Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

griewank_function(x: array | list) float[source]

Griewank’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

rastrigins_function(x: array | list) float[source]

Rastrigin’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

high_conditioned_elliptic_function(x: array | list) float[source]
mod_schwefels_function(x: array | list) float[source]

Modified Schwefel’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

katsuura_function(x: array | list) float[source]

Katsuura Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

happycat_function(x: array | list) float[source]

HappyCat Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

hgbat_function(x: array | list) float[source]

HGBat Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

expanded_scaffer_f6_function(x: array | list)[source]

Expanded Scaffer’s F6 Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_1(x: array | list) float[source]

Rotated High Conditioned Elliptic Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_2(x: array | list) float[source]

Rotated Bent Cigar Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_3(x: array | list) float[source]

Rotated Discus Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_4(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted and Rotated Rosenbrock’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_5(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted and Rotated Rosenbrock’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_6(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted and Rotated Weierstrass Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_7(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted and Rotated Griewank’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_8(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted Rastrigin’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_9(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted and Rotated Rastrigin’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_10(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted Schwefel’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_11(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted and Rotated Schwefel’s Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_12(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted and Rotated Katsuura Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_13(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted and Rotated HappyCat Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_14(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted and Rotated HGBat Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

cec14_16(x: array | list) float[source]

Shifted and Rotated Expanded Scaffer’s F6 Function :param x: solution to be evaluated :return: solution evaluation :rtype: float

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