Source code for EDAspy.optimization.custom.initialization_models.uniform_geninit

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

import numpy as np
from ._generation_init import GenInit
from typing import Union, List

[docs]class UniformGenInit(GenInit): """ Initial generation simulator based on independent uniform distributions. """ def __init__(self, n_variables: int, lower_bound: Union[np.array, List[float], float] = -100, upper_bound: Union[List[float], float] = 100 ): """ :param n_variables: Number of variables. :param lower_bound: lower bound for the uniform distribution sampling. :param upper_bound: lower bound for the uniform distribution sampling. :rtype lower_bound: List of lower bounds of size equal to number of variables OR single bound to all dimensions. :rtype upper_bound: List of upper bounds of size equal to number of variables OR single bound to all dimensions. """ super().__init__(n_variables) if (type(lower_bound) is np.array) or (type(lower_bound) is list): assert len(lower_bound) == n_variables, "Number of lower bounds does not match the dimension size." if (type(upper_bound) is np.array) or (type(upper_bound) is list): assert len(upper_bound) == n_variables, "Number of upper bounds does not match the dimension size." self.lower_bound = lower_bound self.upper_bound = upper_bound = 4
[docs] def sample(self, size: int) -> np.array: """ Sample several times the initializator. :param size: number of samplings. :return: array with the dataset sampled. :rtype: np.array. """ return np.random.uniform(self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound, (size, self.n_variables))